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Welcome to the Freedom Recovery Center:


Greetings! We are so thankful that you are allowing us to support you through your addiction diagnosis journey. We are providing the following information to ensure your first appointment goes smoothly.


Prior to your first appointment, please fill out your Freedom Recovery Center intake packet to the best of your ability and email your corresponding documents with a copy of your photo ID to the following email address:


If you have any questions as you are completing the intake, feel free to reach out. We are more than happy to help guide you through any concerns you may have.


Once Freedom Recovery Center receives your completed intake with the supporting photo identification, you are ready for your first appointment! While these documents are being reviewed, an Aegis specimen collector will reach out to schedule your first drug screen appointment.


These kits are mailed to you directly from Aegis Toxicology Laboratories. It is an oral swab that tests for any illicit drugs or medications. Please note, that on your first day, we will not expect you to be clean. These initial tests are conducted to make sure there are no medications present in your body that could react with your new medication prescribed by your MAT provider.


These oral swab screens are monitored monthly to guarantee that your newly prescribed medication is breaking down appropriately and that no illicit drugs are present after beginning the medication assisted-treatment program.


Furthermore, State Regulations require that you attend monthly counseling after your first appointment. If you are struggling to find a qualified addiction treatment behavioral health therapist in your area, Freedom Recovery Center does employ a certified CADC counselor. If you are interested in being scheduled with our therapist, please let us know on your first appointment date and we will schedule you accordingly. 


On your first appointment date, you can expect a Freedom Recovery Center employee to reach out to you to collect your remaining payment and discuss the telehealth appointment details that are happening that day. Telehealth appointments are sent via text message to a patient's private phone number or email. When the link comes through to your text messages or email, click on the link, and a video visit will start with your assigned medication-assisted treatment clinician. We encourage all patients to find a private, relaxing area to attend your first initial appointment. The first appointment typically lasts upwards of 45 minutes. It is a Federal requirement that your phone or computer has video and audio activated for the appointment.


We are looking forward to walking this journey alongside you and your support team! By joining Freedom Recovery Center’s medication assisted treatment program, you can expect quality care from a specialized clinic that’s geared towards assisting the entire patient; whether that be life skills support, medication-assisted treatment, financial counseling, housing referrals, or wellness support. 


As you prepare to take this next step in your life, we are here for your healing. Our trauma-informed employees will guarantee that you are walking this journey with a wealth of support by your side. 


Thank you for reaching out and we look forward to meeting you in the near future!


Kind Regards,


Freedom Recovery Center

165 N. State Ave.

Alpena, MI 49707


Patient Intake
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Tel: 517-881-6199

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